Ability Engineering is looking forward to exhibiting at Gasworld’s Helium Summit in Houston, Texas on the 4th of October. (Table 18) As shown on the Gasworld helium summit website ( https://www.gasworldconferences.com/conference/helium-summit-2018/ ); “With the theme “Transitioning To Life Beyond The BLM”, gasworld’s Global Helium Summit 2018 will provide insight into the major issues facing the global Helium business including the declining capacity of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s  (BLM) Helium Pipeline, the coming privatization of the BLM’s helium assets and the anticipated emergence of Gazprom as a major player in helium markets.” This will be a gathering of industry professionals with a wealth of knowledge looking to gain strategic advantage and partnerships.  Furthermore, AET is looking to network and gain more contacts in the specialty helium market. For anyone that would like to schedule a specific meeting with our team at the Helium Summit, please contact Michael Maurisak or Eugene Botsoe via sales@abilityengineering.com. Additionally, we were recently featured on Gasworld’s site as an industry professional company seeing a shift in demand for helium-related processing equipment. This article can be found on the gasworld website or via our previous post. See you at the event!