We have established a strong engineering reputation for designing products for manufacture, and this is our competitive advantage.  We can look at a basic design idea and develop a way to manufacture that is suitable for build, meets all applicable code requirements and ultimately provide a quality product at a competitive price. 

There are many opportunities for collaboration throughout a project.  Many of which we openly invite our clients to discuss any questions/concerns with the design or build.  In any given project we provide a detailed quotation document that displays provided equipment details and, if the project continues, an approval drawing to verify all is as our client expected.  When applicable we can also supply testing protocols, general fabrication guides and schedules for construction which can allow for hold point requests.

The presentation portion below depicts 3 different project cases in which AET has worked with a client to establish final designs.  In each case, we were presented with limited information and an overall specification of what the client was looking to do with the product.  Our engineering team developed a final design that provided a suitable arrangement for manufacture and in each case provided fabrication and testing services.

Contact Information

Ability Engineering Technology, Inc.

16140 South Vincennes Avenue | South Holland, Illinois
Postal Code: 60473 | United States of America

Phone: +1 (708) 331-0025   |   Fax: +1 (708) 331-5090
eMail: sales@abilityengineering.com

ASME Section VIII Div 1. U | UM

ISO 9001:2015
Cage Code: 3W141

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